Elana Swart-Traut Autor & Coach

Healing Hearts: The Essential Roadmap to Addressing Childhood Trauma

addressing childhood trauma

Childhood trauma casts a long shadow, affecting mental and emotional well-being well into adulthood. In this article, we will delve into the essential roadmap for addressing childhood trauma, with a particular focus on the transformative approach of PSYCH-K® and the expertise of Elana Swart-Traut as a trusted counselor. Understanding Childhood Trauma Childhood trauma comes in […]

Unveiling the Impact of Childhood Trauma: A Comprehensive Exploration

In the realm of human experience, childhood lays the foundation for the individuals we become. The memories and experiences etched into the tapestry of our early years can shape our worldview, influencing emotions, behaviours, and overall well-being and unless we recognise them and find ways to accept and overcome these traumas will forever cloud our […]

Unleashing Your Potential: A Journey with PSYCH-K®

  Introduction Navigating through life, it’s not always the external challenges that impede our progress; often, it’s the silent saboteur within – our subconscious mind. Like a minefield of limiting beliefs and outdated programs, it affects every facet of our existence. From relationships to self-esteem, financial prosperity to career choices, and even our health and […]