Elana Swart-Traut Autor & Coach

Cape Town Wellness - Mind-Body Connection

Mind-Body Connection: Cape Town’s Wellness Journey

Welcome to an exploration of the mind-body connection in Cape Town - a path that intertwines ancient wisdom with modern science, inviting us to

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core belief reset - relationship harmony

Unveiling the Power of Core Belief Reset in Cape Town

As a Cape Town life coach, I have had the privilege of witnessing the transformative impact of "Core Belief Reset" on individuals striving to

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Navigating the Five-Year Fizzle: A Journey to Relationship Balance with PSYCH-K and Life Coaching

In the intricate dance of love and commitment, relationships can face their fair share of challenges. The “Five-Year Fizzle” is a common

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addressing childhood trauma

Healing Hearts: The Essential Roadmap to Addressing Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma casts a long shadow, affecting mental and emotional well-being well into adulthood. In this article, we will delve into the

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Unveiling the Impact of Childhood Trauma: A Comprehensive Exploration

In the realm of human experience, childhood lays the foundation for the individuals we become. The memories and experiences etched into the tapestry

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Unleashing Your Potential: A Journey with PSYCH-K®

  Introduction Navigating through life, it’s not always the external challenges that impede our progress; often, it’s the silent

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